(Combo) Broken Bonds + Savage Bonds (Book 1 + 2) (The Bonds that Tie) (Paperback) by J Bree
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(Combo) Broken Bonds + Savage Bonds (Book 1 + 2) (The Bonds that Tie) (Paperback) by J Bree

J Bree
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After the death of my mother and her Bonded, I was relieved to find my own Bonds. I was sure everything would be okay if I had them. It wasn’t. The fate of our people is in my hands and I know we’re better off if I’m alone. After five years on the run, I’m caught and dragged back to face the men I ran away from. I thought I was doing the right thing. Now, I’m not so sure. North, Nox, Gryphon, Atlas, and Gabe may never forgive me but one thing is for sure. I won’t ever forgive myself.



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